Why Is The Great Barrier Reef Dying?

Our bodies and our environment have deep hidden connections. In spite of mankind’s technological achievements they have for the most part only been used to further compete, manipulate or destroy our environment. Frankly, this is evidence mankind has not psychologically evolved one iota.
Consider the human body as a metaphor for the planet. Both are made of the same cosmic stuff, both are living pulsing biospheres of complex dynamic systems that support the whole.

Sadly we care the human body as poorly as we care for the planet that supports all of these life systems and the myriad hidden connections that interweave us all together.

In general the human body is riddled with the same symptoms as the planet . . . and perhaps you will agree that the cause of these common degenerative symptoms is also similar, if not exactly the same.

The pH of the human body is a subtle indication of our over all health. Just as the pH of the ocean is also an sensitive bio-marker of its health. If your body’s pH is acidic rather than slightly alkaline, that means there is less oxygen, depleted cellular salts and too much metabolic waste.

When this state is allowed to persist the body will attempt to add more trace minerals (cellular salts) by removing them from its reserves. The biggest reserve being the calcium in your bones. This eventually leads to loss of bone mass and a systemic breakdown of  over all health and wellness.

Imagine the vast living coral reef systems in the oceans and seas as the calcium and mineral reserves of the planet’s marine biosphere. In fact the water on the planet is very much like the blood in our bodies.

Both depend on a rich solution of mineral salts to  not only sustain, but to propagate, revitalize and rejuvenate.

Your body has an innate intelligence that allows you to take it for granted, for even extended periods of time. But without “genuine care,” inevitably, in the long term, quality of life suffers drastically.

Mama Earth also deserves this “genuine care” and she is not getting it. Look around you and you can’t help but see how conventional medical practice encourages people to just “cover-up” the symptoms of degenerative issues, just pop a magic pill, right? Now look around at your environment. Do you see the parallel behavior patterns? Are we just covering  up the environmental symptoms too?

There is a Self-Health Revolution happening today all around the world and it all begins with you. We are all in desperate need for a personal revolution of perspective, we need to wake up!

Because only with the passion that comes from being totally aware can we experience the joy of being truly responsible.

Right now nothing can be more important than nurturing this “awareness” and turning the health of our bodies and our planet completely around. Mama Nature has always been mankind’s best teacher and she’s gotten nothing but grief from us and now it’s up to us to show we care.

The old adage tells us we can’t give love if we don’t have love, right? well then, this is why each one of us is a living example of what we believe . . . of what we have and what we can give to one another. It begins with me and you.

Change the way you see your self and the world around you will follow that vision. This is mankind’s last and most important lesson from Mama Nature . . . before a new and better era will begin.

When we accept a paradigm shift in “thinking,” naturally our “behavior” will radically change as well. It only takes but an instant to decide to face the truth.

Once you turn on, activate and tune into the hidden connections between your hard drive DNA , your attitude and the food that naturally sustains and heals you . . . you will understand the importance of addressing the root cause of all this suffering.

It’s no secret that mankind has been confused for some time now. But it’s not meant to be that way, we’ve simply confused “cause and effect” . . . somewhere along the way, we just got it all turned around.

Today, I am asking you to help me turn it back around 180 degrees.

Every great revolution began with a minority. Well can you think of a smaller minority than me and you?

It’s not a duty to possess an extraordinary awareness, it’s your loving responsibility. I mean to say, it’s not because you have to, it’s because deep down you have a passion that desires to show “genuine care” indiscriminately . . . because you want to!

You are the rest of the world and the world you see is a reflection of what you chose to believe. “It is simply not possible to see what you do not believe” . . . so change your mind and the world will change too.

One more thing, I want to ask all my readers for a favor. I am applying for http://www.thebestjobintheworld.com/ . . . I was born for this job. I will be the best island caretaker you would ever see  and I hope you will agree that I deserve your support on this great opportunity.

I have an entire series of Self Health books I want to publish as well as many others and getting this “Job” will launch my career as a health and wellness/ environmental writer. I am just starting out as a travel writer and I’ve been ghost writing for doctors and wellness publications for several years now and during this journey I have come across many amazing things I want to share.

I meet all the requirements for the job, I’m a writer, an environmental activist, a photographer, a scuba diver, a social net worker, movie maker and an adventurer. Ultimately I will pod-cast to the world once a week what I find and record concerning the Great Barrier Reef and the Whitsunday islands in Australia.

They will select only 10 people, the 11th will be elected by the world wide web and they will select only one lucky person for the assignment. Whether I get selected or not, I am still on course to fulfill this mission during my lifetime . . . it will take me a little longer, but I will find the funding if it doesn’t find me.

Stay turned on and tuned in.

To you-“the rest of the world!”

Tod Faassé