Fertilizing The Ocean For The Wrong Reasons

Oceanographer’s thought they could fertilize the phytoplankton in the ocean with iron dust to trigger the absorptions of carbon dioxide (CO2). They hoped the the blooming  phytoplankton would uptake vast amounts of  CO2 and then filled with satisfaction simply sink to the bottom of the sea to sequester, or store, all of the CO2 we humans produce.

Well, it didn’t work and couldn’t have worked for several reasons. Primarily because the phytoplankton is part of our food chain. To assume they would sink to the bottom and save us from CO2 poisoning was childish and wishful.

Fact is, after wasting who knows how much money and man hours, they dumped tons of iron dust into the ocean’s and all they did is feed swarms of copepods. Probably not a bad thing, because eventually the copepods are consumed by squid and whales.

But they didn’t help heal the oceans. They may be on to something, but there is no sense in just “treating the symptoms” if we are unwilling to address the root cause.

They expect the CO2 to sequester, or sink to the bottom and hide there. fact is the dialectic layers of the ocean which are usually 4 degrees Celsius are warming up. If the cold water belts containing ancient CO2 are rising, dumping more CO2 into the surface may be doing more damage than good.

The issue seems to be about alkalinity “and” temperature.

Adding only iron seems shortsighted, I would think a broad spectrum mineral “food support” supplement would be superior. The food support supplement could be slanted toward having more iron, yet should consider other subtle nutritional needs as well.

Protecting these cold water layers is essential. These same dielectric layers of anomalous temperature bands also naturally exist in the atmosphere- and they are also under stress from pollutants, solar flares and rocket science . . . these deep sea rivers also help maintain proper pH (Salinity).

We need to protect these cold arteries of life the same as we need to protect and nurture the great living reefs and the continental rain forests . . . these need to be our priorities as stewards of this blue-green biosphere.

Let’s not make the common and absurd mistake of treating the symptoms and ignoring the true cause of the problem. This worries me. If we treat the planet like Western medicine treats our bodies, the oceans are doomed.

When your body becomes acidic over a prolonged period of time, calcium and other minerals are drawn from your bones in a last ditch effort to “alkalize” . . . this causes loss of bone density and other health challenges. Our planet is suffering from the same “acidosis” and the “blood of the planet,” or sea water, is drawing the minerals out of the coral.

My intuitive knowledge suggests perhaps recycling some of the dead coral calcium found along some shore lines in with the supplemental mineral mix.

All life is connected through the food chain to the environment and down to our very genetic switch boards . . . by helping to cure our environment we will discover how to heal the nations and our bodies. The same natural principles govern our health as well as the planets health.

We just can’t afford to make anymore mistakes when dealing with the environment. Nothing could be more important than taking the right action, but we must be certain. This is not a rehearsal, the planet cannot afford anymore of our stupidity.

If your body’s temperature rises above 98.6, you call it a fever . . . our living planet has a fever. We can either be part of the problem or part of the solution, but “the answer does exist” . . . let’s hope we discover it before irreversible damage has been done.

Suggested reading: Viktor Schauberger’s Living Water, or Living Energies, to understand the importance of “cooling and revitalizing technologies.

“Viktor Schauberger’s basic thesis contains a universal, twofold movement principle. He meant that life sustains by a gathering, ‘implosive type of movement’ and reversed, a spreading, explosive movement that leads to the extinguishing of life. With the implosive movement coolness, suction growth and healthiness follows.”

“The explosive movement generates heat, pressure, fragmentation, illness, and death. His opinion was that man had only succeeded in mastering the movement of death in order to release energy. All known engines are based on explosion, heat and pressure. To only use the explosive movement, definitely leads to the destruction of nature. These thoughts did not get any sympathy in his time, decades before the environmental problems showed up.”

Do I have a witness?

Tod Faassé

Why Is The Great Barrier Reef Dying?

Our bodies and our environment have deep hidden connections. In spite of mankind’s technological achievements they have for the most part only been used to further compete, manipulate or destroy our environment. Frankly, this is evidence mankind has not psychologically evolved one iota.
Consider the human body as a metaphor for the planet. Both are made of the same cosmic stuff, both are living pulsing biospheres of complex dynamic systems that support the whole.

Sadly we care the human body as poorly as we care for the planet that supports all of these life systems and the myriad hidden connections that interweave us all together.

In general the human body is riddled with the same symptoms as the planet . . . and perhaps you will agree that the cause of these common degenerative symptoms is also similar, if not exactly the same.

The pH of the human body is a subtle indication of our over all health. Just as the pH of the ocean is also an sensitive bio-marker of its health. If your body’s pH is acidic rather than slightly alkaline, that means there is less oxygen, depleted cellular salts and too much metabolic waste.

When this state is allowed to persist the body will attempt to add more trace minerals (cellular salts) by removing them from its reserves. The biggest reserve being the calcium in your bones. This eventually leads to loss of bone mass and a systemic breakdown of  over all health and wellness.

Imagine the vast living coral reef systems in the oceans and seas as the calcium and mineral reserves of the planet’s marine biosphere. In fact the water on the planet is very much like the blood in our bodies.

Both depend on a rich solution of mineral salts to  not only sustain, but to propagate, revitalize and rejuvenate.

Your body has an innate intelligence that allows you to take it for granted, for even extended periods of time. But without “genuine care,” inevitably, in the long term, quality of life suffers drastically.

Mama Earth also deserves this “genuine care” and she is not getting it. Look around you and you can’t help but see how conventional medical practice encourages people to just “cover-up” the symptoms of degenerative issues, just pop a magic pill, right? Now look around at your environment. Do you see the parallel behavior patterns? Are we just covering  up the environmental symptoms too?

There is a Self-Health Revolution happening today all around the world and it all begins with you. We are all in desperate need for a personal revolution of perspective, we need to wake up!

Because only with the passion that comes from being totally aware can we experience the joy of being truly responsible.

Right now nothing can be more important than nurturing this “awareness” and turning the health of our bodies and our planet completely around. Mama Nature has always been mankind’s best teacher and she’s gotten nothing but grief from us and now it’s up to us to show we care.

The old adage tells us we can’t give love if we don’t have love, right? well then, this is why each one of us is a living example of what we believe . . . of what we have and what we can give to one another. It begins with me and you.

Change the way you see your self and the world around you will follow that vision. This is mankind’s last and most important lesson from Mama Nature . . . before a new and better era will begin.

When we accept a paradigm shift in “thinking,” naturally our “behavior” will radically change as well. It only takes but an instant to decide to face the truth.

Once you turn on, activate and tune into the hidden connections between your hard drive DNA , your attitude and the food that naturally sustains and heals you . . . you will understand the importance of addressing the root cause of all this suffering.

It’s no secret that mankind has been confused for some time now. But it’s not meant to be that way, we’ve simply confused “cause and effect” . . . somewhere along the way, we just got it all turned around.

Today, I am asking you to help me turn it back around 180 degrees.

Every great revolution began with a minority. Well can you think of a smaller minority than me and you?

It’s not a duty to possess an extraordinary awareness, it’s your loving responsibility. I mean to say, it’s not because you have to, it’s because deep down you have a passion that desires to show “genuine care” indiscriminately . . . because you want to!

You are the rest of the world and the world you see is a reflection of what you chose to believe. “It is simply not possible to see what you do not believe” . . . so change your mind and the world will change too.

One more thing, I want to ask all my readers for a favor. I am applying for http://www.thebestjobintheworld.com/ . . . I was born for this job. I will be the best island caretaker you would ever see  and I hope you will agree that I deserve your support on this great opportunity.

I have an entire series of Self Health books I want to publish as well as many others and getting this “Job” will launch my career as a health and wellness/ environmental writer. I am just starting out as a travel writer and I’ve been ghost writing for doctors and wellness publications for several years now and during this journey I have come across many amazing things I want to share.

I meet all the requirements for the job, I’m a writer, an environmental activist, a photographer, a scuba diver, a social net worker, movie maker and an adventurer. Ultimately I will pod-cast to the world once a week what I find and record concerning the Great Barrier Reef and the Whitsunday islands in Australia.

They will select only 10 people, the 11th will be elected by the world wide web and they will select only one lucky person for the assignment. Whether I get selected or not, I am still on course to fulfill this mission during my lifetime . . . it will take me a little longer, but I will find the funding if it doesn’t find me.

Stay turned on and tuned in.

To you-“the rest of the world!”

Tod Faassé

Dragon Blood Rising

Over the last one hundred years the industrial revolution awakened the Black Dragon from the bowels of the earth. Asleep for millions of years this once benevolent entity represented the carbon summation of all organic life since the dawn of time itself.

Once released from its pit of darkness to roam upon the surface of the earth, it has fueled our war machines, choked out our atmosphere and tainted every living thing. This Black Dragon has enslaved every race upon the planet to either loath it or worship it in fear.

Fifty years ago our use of hydrocarbon fuels like coal and petroleum rolled out of our machines, furnaces and factories at the highest levels the world had witnessed up to that point.

But now you say, the skies are no longer blackened, it has all gone away. And I tell you it has not; it is still with us today hidden in the chemical rainbow which burns your eyes. Deep within the very threads that make up the web of life . . . not leaving any living organism, from the dying plankton to the drowning polar bear, untouched by its black smudge of death.

There is nothing its footprint has not stepped upon and harmed.

Over the last one hundred years the Black Dragon slowly polluted all the valleys, prairies and forests laying in the moist darkness, heavy and warm. As this toxic cloud sought its lair, it seeped into the crystal lakes, sparkling rivers and emerald oceans . . . turning once sweet rain into rancid rain, blighting the moss, grasslands and forests with dankness and death.

As another celestial age draws near and the solar flares amplify the heat of the spewing smog ten-fold. What scientists prayed would take a hundred an fifty years is happening today as the ancient cold rivers of the ocean trenches well up . . . now releasing the poison breath of the Black Dragon from the feverish abyss far below.

The CO2 sequestered by the weight of the dense cold waters at the bottom of the sea is now churning up as it sours the oxygen rich waters, suffocating and killing with every dark wave that breaks upon the oil stained beaches.

The marrow of the earth itself cries out as living plankton forests that nurtured all the diverse creatures under sea starve to death.

Because the carbonized atmosphere is thickened by the expelled air of the demon dragon’s firey breath, there is no more living dust to dance upon the ocean currents. The mineral enriched ancient winds that alkalyzed the salty seas, blow no more.

The salt of life has become diluted with carbonic acid and no longer conducts the electrical pulse between the cool dielectric layers, but instead erodes away the sacred coral bones of Neptune.

Photosynthesis, a bio-electric process depends on these alkalizing minerals, like hematite dust. The great coral reefs depend on a symbiotic relationship with their world, like we do. But as the corrosive acid levels increase with the temperatures the coral polyps loose the symbiotic algae inside them, causing them to turn white, or “bleach,” and eventually die.

The algae (dinoflagellates) normally provide foods for the coral through photosynthesis, but without cool, oxygenated and mineral rich waters they perish.

Before dolphins, polar bears or mankind there were the plankton. These tiny plants are the ultimate source of life, food and oxygen for all creatures in the sea.

The oceans are dying and the answer is blowing in the wind . . .

To be continued . . .

The End Of The Chemical Dark Ages!

Should Promoting Natural Remedies Be A Drug Crime!?

In order for the drug industry to reclaim “lost customers,” they are changing strategies to account for this . . .

Drug companies have one thing on their mind, “How to commercialize drugs more quickly and economically.”

This article is about how to balance the natural process of healing the planet while organizing a revolutionary prescriptive approach. This is also a wake up call for environmentalists and health conscious individuals to stand up and fight political policies that threaten to enslave us all.

For some odd reason the drug companies who fund the FDA want to control which cherries you buy to stop your Gout pain attacks.

There exists a sacred primal right to seek natural healing principles, edify and share them.  Now suddenly the FDA can arrest you for selling the benefits of cherries as a drug. Now get this, according to FDA law enforcement, right now, only “drugs” have the right to advertise claims.

Where’s the American fairness in that? I’ve never seen a drug with a guarantee and zero side effects, have you?

Somehow the drug industry has seized political-pull because only the Government can authorize the selling of “drugs.”

In my last report I explained why there are so many Pharmaceuticals contaminating our drinking water. The reason was because only a police officer or a DEA agent can dispose of these bio-toxic man-made synthetic drugs and it costs the hospitals too much money. So they flush them into our sewers.

The Government charges an actual “fee” for disposing of drugs.

That’s something else the Drug War policies have messed up is the ecology. The same corporations that create billions of pills and medications promote Big Biotech and Big Agri “organizations.” You know the ones pushing artificial fertilizers, deadly pesticides and toxic genetically manufactured plants.

The Nazis and the Mafia represent some of history’s most powerful but not so popular “organizations” as well. If “any” government continues to take over U.S. corporations, they will control the marketplace with extreme prejudice.

Of course, to financially survive, corporations take their business to other countries and change their names . . . it’s NO secret anymore. That’s why big business is pandering with special interest groups, because they’re all about greed.

But chemicals know no borders . . .

No one has the right to tell you NOT to eat organic, heal naturally and support a permacultural society? No one does.

Did you know “health” was originally in the U.S. Constitution as a right, the right to choose your own health care . . . to seek your own well being, spiritually, financially and physically?

Why persecute someone for promoting balance between the Earth’s delicate ecosphere and integrative human culture? What’s so politically incorrect about doing some good for once?

Because that’s what green movements do . . . they generate “competitive dollars” that help us save our health, country and our planet Earth. Spontaneous genius solves current challenges, rather than create permanent problems. Less government and more proactive individuals are what will turn this Mother “Earth” ship around.

The human permacultures of this planet have an ancient indigenous connection (as a natural creation,) by virtue of hidden energetic connections.

I don’t desire corporations interfering with my ability to attain happiness and health or even stop me from pursuing it. I’m sure you feel the same.

Corporations are violently “competing” with the Earth’s natural ecological balance. They are fighting with natural laws while terrorizing your health rights and mine in every possible way imaginable . . . biologically, psychologically and ecologically.

We need to work in harmony with the Earth’s dynamic self-healing system not against it. Support the web of life vote green.

“Make Food Your Medicine!” was the old Hippocratic creed from ancient Greece, not . . . make food “a drug,” that’s really insane.

Today, health is a prescriptive service you can only “legally” purchase through a government sanctioned official . . . if you have good credit with your (government owned) insurance policy.

Eventually, if we don’t change it, you may have to pay a government official to dispose of your organic health food garbagé (sarcasm).

This scenario should never be!

This is not really a political matter it’s an unconscionable matter . . . these ravenous and fierce corporations are raping “our” Mother Earth.

These “unregulated” mega industrial corporations are topping mountains, drilling out oil and gas reserves, heating the atmosphere with acid fog and deflowering, to say the least, our last primal rain forests.

Yes, the same corporations poisoning our drinking water with pharmaceuticals . . . and creating environmental dead zones.

Whose going to “bail us out” of that one???

It is “a crime” to destroy the health of the planet and destroy the health of her six billion people . . . not to mention the trillions of other sentient beings living with us, simultaneously.

Chemicals are used to create drugs that do NOT exist in Mother Nature, accept as an abomination of her laws.

How can cherries, oranges and ginger root be drugs? How about cinnamon for diabetes, raw almonds for a healthy immune system or Pineapple cores to dissolve blood clots? These medicinal foods are now all “contraband.”

I say enough is enough!

You do have the right to “see” the clinical evidence even if the drug companies will lose another customer.

You have a right to grow, cultivate and bring to market the benefits of your labor. There is a “returning to the garden revolution” that’s drawing people who “genuinely care” to start Green Businesses.

You have the right to “know” the truth is true.

America is comprised of people who are innovative, tough and well funded. With the present level of science and technology today we can “capture the living essence of a cherry,” put it on a bottle and sell the benefits.

You have the right to “choose.”

Wild cherries are needed to heal nutritional deficiencies, relieve gout pain or arthritic pain and reduce swelling, that’s a FACT!

It’s a natural benefit of the native nutrients within the cherry and how they connect with our human cells as food. Why shouldn’t anyone be able to advertise, bring to market and sell these beneficial cherry qualities?

Again, follow the money . . .

In truth eating the WRONG FDA-approved processed foods and chemicals trigger gout pain and other degenerative diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

The “structure and function” of your cells is naturally supported by food sourced nutrients. That used to be common sense . . . now it’s “dangerous” anti-pharmaceutical advertising.

Therefore, somehow again, the act of “promoting the benefits” of eating RIGHT, by FDA corporate definition, makes food a drug!

That’s plain stupid!

According to the FDA mandates and Codex Alimentarius . . . if I sell you some food (an apple) and I tell you how good it is for you first (i.e. for your acid reflux) I’m selling it (by incorrect definition) “as a drug.”

The American government is raiding businesses, fining and arresting people for doing this, all in the name of security.

The FDA is extorting money from small independent alternative health businesses everywhere. Just because they’re an alternative, or rather a “competitor” to the Big Chem corps wrecking havoc on our planet.

In order for the drug industry to reclaim lost customers, they are changing strategies to account for this by attacking small American business for marketing healthy food and natural food supplements.

If they can control your free press, you’re free speech and destroy your free marketplace your in a heap of woe.

If it’s illegal to “quote peer-reviewed clinical studies” that prove good food is actually healthy for you, how can “we” (American green business owners) market natural resources fairly in the marketplace?

I mean seriously, the very factions and organizations that are ripping us all off are restricting our right to prosper and pursue happiness.

What is happening to our environment is also happening to our health. The health of the human cell and the ecosphere are intimately interconnected at the deepest “structural and functional levels.”

A free marketplace structured upon permacultural values is more than sustainable to say the least. Maybe there’s no Utopia or any Arcosanti bells ringing in the 20th century, but let’s try to do it for the 21st.

You have taken your first step upon the natural green pathway where you belong.

There is a reason why you attract the knowledge you have, the people you meet and the solutions you need. Your purpose is higher than just reaching a sustainable level . . . the world is a cornucopia of abundance and benefits all that follow.

As the herbs and grasses are for the healing of the nations as is ecological practicality sound healing for our economic dilemma.

If you encourage a healthy greener solution you are promoting a better greener world for us all. The environment is not entropic; it is a living growing system generating immeasurable energy and intelligence.

Each one of us needs a personal revolution, a paradigm shift of sudden enlightenment . . . we all need to wake up now, but we’ll only wake up when we believe the cost of staying asleep is too high.

Help us free the planet from chemical tyranny,

Tod Faassé

Enemies From Within

Are You Drinking Pharmaceutical Sewer Water?

Current estimations suggest more than 46 million Americans are being slowly affected by pharmaceuticals in their drinking water. The first article published by the Associated Press in March 2008, stated about 41 million Americans were drinking drug tainted water.

If you’re like me “1” person being forced to drink and bathe in drug tainted water is “1” too many. It’s quite possible that 46 million will be a small number when compared to the final numbers.

Here are some of the drugs being detected in public water supplies:

  • Anti-cholesterol statins
  • Anti-convulsion (carbamazepine)
  • Tranquilizers
  • Hormones
  • Nicotine derivative

Some people argue these facts may cause undue concern. This sounds like the kind of bureaucrats who wait until we are in a state of emergency before they start making plans to resolve issues. I feel it’s better to “nip these issues in the bud” as soon as we become aware of them, rather than ignore them.

Perhaps more people need to get angry and speak out, but perhaps their passivity is a side effect of drinking tranquilizer tainted water.

Fact is an overwhelming majority of cities have not even tested their water supplies yet. If you live in New York City you are one of the untested communities. The same great city who suffered a terrorist attack, doesn’t want to know what’s in their water system . . . ironic isn’t it?

Apparently government agencies like the Department of Environmental Protection don’t feel it’s an important enough of an issue to be concerned with.

Perhaps if the DEP says it’s not a concern we should just relax, take our meds and chase it with a glass of city water and watch more television . . . NOT!

Wake up!

Are you comfortable trusting a government agency to protect you? Get serious here for a moment, since when did Americans give up their right to know? The price of being free comes with the responsibility to care, if you don’t desire to know the truth you will lose your right to know.

Apathy is an epidemic social disease.

Perhaps the contamination levels are not high enough to be a threat yet. However, if we don’t take the steps necessary to trace back to the source of the problem, it will get worse.

What we don’t know can harm us and what’s left of our delicate environment. We already know that pharmaceutical drugs are potent proprietary poisons meant to be ingested by sick people in very small amounts. In fact forensic studies have found pharmacological residue in human fatty tissues as many as 40 years later. Suggesting that we really know very little of the accumulative affects of these drugs on the ecosphere or ourselves.

Here we are once again messing around with Mama Nature rather than learning from her. Human behavior is a stubborn thing . . . why does a corporation’s lack of foresight and planning have to become an emergency on our part?

We are at a closing of an era I call “The Chemical Dark Ages.” As with any passing era there is historically great resistance to change. Here’s the paradigm shift; biologically all life forms, including your body, are “primarily electromagnetic,” chemistry is a secondary affect of this phenomenon.

We are rapidly progressing technologically and spiritually, as we understand how to benefit from these higher principles. Already leading scientists are learning to heal with subtle energies found in cell salts, magnetism, high frequency radio waves, sound waves, infrared light and super refined lasers . . . rather than with chemical drugs.

I realize there is a lot of money tied up into the old chemical model, but regardless, we need to allow our conscience to be lead by evidence-based science rather than corporate policy.

The bottom line is the individual is more important than any institution. If we fail to recognize this quality in ourselves we will fail to recognize it in Nature, consequently being harbingers of chaos rather than stewards of harmony. We are ultimately accountable for our own thoughts and actions. The repercussions of ignoring the consequences of our irresponsible behavior are global chaos, financially, ecologically and pathologically.

Who can stop the oceans from warming? Who can bring the water tables back up? Who can return the Honey bees? Who can repair the economy? Who can cure epidemic disease and world famine? Who can heal the sky, bring back the rain forests and detoxify our lakes and rivers? Who can develop alternative energy sources and develop safer more affective medical therapies?

We can. By working together, using natural principles and green technologies available to us all, we can save the world.

As We Heal The World We Heal Ourselves.”

The list of problems caused by apathetic human behavior is growing exponentially because we are still in denial. Because we are afraid to face the truth, we are afraid to get upset, we are afraid we might offend someone . . . we are simply afraid to take control of our own lives.

That’s why capitalism runs to socialism when it’s in trouble, yet without the entrepreneurial spirit, free enterprise and venture capital raised by small businesses and individuals . . . we are at the mercy of Marxist and corporate ideologies.

Policy must be based on scientific evidence rather than political propaganda and special interest groups. Let’s follow the facts to the money here . . . the presence of therapeutic drugs has been detected in your environment. Pharmaceutical companies have been reaping thousands of billions of dollars in profits, yet there seems to be zero accountability for the death and destruction they have caused.

My concern is even if the original chemical compound is not detected in the environment, the degradation by-products may be even more toxic. The effects of these pharmaceuticals, their metabolites and degradation products need further and more extensive studies.

Why not make Big Pharma pick up the tab?

There is no doubt of the adverse effects of pharmaceuticals on mammals, yet we know nothing of the negative effects on other life forms.

Here are some biological life functions that can potentially be harmed by chemical contamination of our watersheds:

  • Hatching success
  • Development
  • Reproduction
  • DNA/RNA Biomarkers
  • Hormonal balance
  • Protein (epigenetic)
  • Immune system

Up to this point drug companies have put the blame on people, stating all these drugs come from urine and excrement in our sewer systems. Albeit some of the contamination is accredited to human waste . . . yet recently there is new evidence that pharmaceutical companies are dumping tons of narcotics and painkillers into the environment directly.

Again, follow the money to the cause of the problem. Apparently the bureaucratic red tape is too expensive and “proper” disposal is just too expensive for these mega drug corporations to comply too.

Apparently if you are not registered with the DEA or a police officer, you can not legally dispose of medical drug waste, so they just dump it. It’s simply cheaper for hospitals to dump drugs down their drains than to go through the paper work and pay the thousands of dollars to do it legally. Perhaps that’s why thousands of tons of needles, biological and medical wastes are dumped into our lakes, waterways and oceans every year.

We live in a time where congress has taken away our Constitutional rights for the sake of security and yet we have no defense to our own ignorance. Who knows, in the present age of potential terrorist attacks, who is protecting us from “enemies within” our borders?

If you’re not upset, you’re simply not paying attention.

I’m only here to help.

Tod Faassé

The Blue Green Revolution Toward One Organism

The old models are failing because they are based on the incorrect assumption that nature can be controlled. Whether they are political, financial or environmental models when they ignore natural laws they are doomed.

Ignorance isn’t bliss, it’s death.

There is a psychological movement to return to the ancient wisdom of our ancestors, a blue green revolution toward one world organism.

Today evidenced based science is confirming an undeniable interconnectedness between all ecosystems environmental and biological, no matter how big or small.

It’s become obvious that corporate greed has forgotten the value of the individual, but first it left behind the respect for the sacred. The human race has a long history of exploitation of indigenous societies and natural resources. The good news is for every problem we create there is a built-in solution. Albeit we have extreme problems requiring extreme solutions and we will need a new way of thinking outside the constructs that caused them.

The current management system seems unwilling to change and it’s hurdling for disaster. The water tables are dropping, vast ice formations are disappearing and the quality of our world is deteriorating in exponential proportions. We are experiencing the hottest temperatures on the planet in 1 million years and more than 100,000 species become extinct annually.

We the people need to control our thinking and demand a new world curriculum. The first thing we need to do is secure our position at the top of the food chain. We must support global stewardship by “properly managing” all ecosystems starting with the smallest, simplest source of life and moving upward.

I propose starting with the most nutrient rich food source on the planet . . . phytoplankton.

I’ve found more than 100 references from scientists all around the globe suggesting a single-celled blue green algae called spirulina could solve 70% of the worlds hunger and health issues.

This easy to grow food source has verifiable anti-viral activity that inhibits HIV-1 replication in human T-cells, blood cells and Langerhans cells. Spirulina is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and proteins, as well as newly recognized “super-sugars” called glyconutrients. In fact another study showed these same “super sugars” in spirulina inhibited the replication of several viruses.

Here’s a short list of viruses this simple food inhibited:

  • HIV-1
  • Herpes simplex virus type 1
  • Human cytomegalovirus
  • Measles virus
  • Mumps virus
  • Influenza A virus

Extracts were taken from about 600 strains of algae, representing some 300 species and approximately 10% of them caused significant reduction in the effect of viruses on cell health.

Keep in mind that Spirulina contains more protein by weight than meat and contains large amounts of vitamin B6. With 30,000 people dying from starvation everyday, I propose funding global initiatives to reverse this silent holocaust with Spirulina micro-farms.

Let’s look a little closer . . .

One thing is for sure, the mainstream media won’t tell you the benefits of these miraculous blue green algae. If they did pharmaceutical companies would simply go out of business.

Here’s another miracle . . . spirulina has anti-cancer qualities! That’s right it has the ability to reverse oral cancer (leukoplakia).

An Indian study revealed complete regression in as many as 57% of their subjects. This was the first study testing chemo-preventative potential of spirulina; we need more of these types of studies.

If the evidence is so astounding why doesn’t the FDA allow us to announce it? Well maybe it’s because the drug companies have them in their pockets. “They” tell you only drugs can cure, prevent and treat disease so you’ll buy their products . . . it’s that corrupt.

Meanwhile millions of people are dying from starvation and diseases caused by under-nutrition, everyday.

Here’s a list of 12 major problems we can help solve with this simple blue-green miracle:

  1. Cancer prevention
  2. Viral infections
  3. Diabetes reduction
  4. Hypertension reduction
  5. Anemia prevention
  6. Kidney function
  7. Liver function
  8. Digestive function
  9. Immune function
  10. Radiation protection
  11. Heart disease prevention
  12. Malnutrition reduction

Mama Nature has the solution!

Scientists estimate spirulina has been a vital planktonic food source for more than 3.6 billion years and many people haven’t even heard of it. It’s full of beneficial phytonutrients, antioxidants and key functional nutrients. Plus it is the most ecologically efficient crop providing more nutrition per acre than any other food. 1 gram of blue green spirulina has more nutritional value than 100 grams of spinach.

Composition varies but the profile of spirulina reveals an “average” of 54% protein, 23% carbohydrates, 8.6% lipids, not to mention the vitamins, enzymes, minerals and glyconutrients . . .

The United Nations World Food Conference in 1974 applauded spirulina as the “best food for the future.”

So while the old school systems are crumbling all around us we need to prepare a new foundation for a better world, but first we need a paradigm shift of awareness. The solutions are all around us . . . all we have to do is begin to show “genuine care” for ourselves, and the connections that make us one world organism.

I’m ONLY here to help,

Tod Faassé

The botanical guru

A New Map for a Healthier and Wiser World

Your body is a collective community of more than 60 trillion cells. Every cell in your body is a complete biosphere with its own nervous system, digestive system and reproductive system. In fact each cell has an equivalent function for every system in your body including its own brain and environmental sensors, much like taste, smell, sight, hearing and touch.

Basically the general public is unaware of this revolutionary paradigm. By the time scientific discoveries go through the media process they are twisted and skewed beyond recognition. The impact of having misinformation pipelined unto the masses in this way is responsible for many social and medical woes we suffer from.

Like your body, once communication breaks down disease takes hold. Society, the environment and your cellular body share the same connections. These hidden connections are natural principles that when broken have consequences that must be acknowledged.

The old map is no longer useful to us. It is as if we are lost in the wilderness without a compass and nothing but a highway map, which of course is useless. By simply looking at the state of our health, society and environment, it’s as if there’s a disconnection from any sense of responsibility or sense of harmony.

The problem is that our educational system is based on old school thinking. Because of this incomplete way of thinking we have gradually abandoned the ancient time-tested wisdom of our ancestors who lived in harmony with the natural principles that would save us.

Natural principles represent the laws of true action rather than hypothetical theories and trends. In nature there is a time to plant and a time to harvest all governed by the cycles and signs of the seasons, tides and planets.

We need to get deeper involved in our lives to rediscover our inner compass and follow a true direction. This old school mentality has proven itself irresponsible and self destructive. The mind set that says we can use everything up and give nothing valuable back, has to go. Already too many generations were taught it’s okay to sit back and enjoy the ride until the last minute and then look for a quick fix.

I think it was Albert Einstein that said if we continue to do the same thing yet expect a different result, we are insane . . .

What if the farmer didn’t milk his cow’s everyday, or if he planted his crops in October? Do you think he could “cram” it all in when ever he felt a sense of urgency?

Important things like relationships, ecospheres and biospheres all demand a deeper level of intelligent stewardship. The environment, society and your health depend on your deeper commitment as well.

There is evidenced based science that our oceans are dying, our land is sterile and the atmosphere is scorched. We have been topping mountains, clearing our last rain forests and damming once vibrant waterways for more than a hundred years. Now our bees are vanishing, our coral reefs crumble and our soils blow away in the wind.

Simultaneously our communities are riddled by disease, poverty and crime. All this is because we have allowed ourselves to be lost.

Cast aside the false assumptions and take up a new paradigm. Like the 60 trillion single cells you call your body, you need to awaken to a common goal, a kind of internal diligence, to devote yourself to something bigger than just you . . . a personal revolution that waits for no one.

We must bust the old myths, pull out a better map and use the laws of nature to guide us home. This empowering information is meant to correct the confusion caused by the false assumptions that imprison us.

We have the ability to influence the unfolding of our lives and the healing of our world. We simply need to gain an understanding of natural forces so we can join in harmony with it.

War does not heal society, greed will not heal the environment and pharmaceuticals do not heal the body. Decide to be part of the problem or part of the solution, you cannot be both, whether for social, physical or spiritual healing your body is a mirror of your world.

“You are the world and the world is you.” J. Krishnamurti

I’m only here to help

Tod Faassé

The Botanical Guru

The $100 Million Dollar Rice Cracker

The World Health Organization (WHO) supports that diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer are preventable through proper nutrition.

In fact degenerative diseases caused by lack of proper nutrition account for nearly two-thirds of all non-communicable disease on the planet.

By using organic farming strategies founded on ancient agricultural techniques we have a lower impact on living top soils and can control zero toxicity levels to protect our water tables. Further, by producing a higher nutrient content in organic foods we can develop an affordable means for ending hunger and eliminating disease.

Contrary to the efforts of pro-health laws like the Dietary Supplements Health and Education Act (DSHEA) which recognizes nutrients as a safe and effective means to preventing, treating and curing degenerative disease, the Codex Alimentarius Commission is attempting to regulate these same nutrients as toxins.

One of the biggest road blocks to solving the under-nutrition scenario are insufficient nutritional guidelines like that set forth in the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA.) The RDA guidelines are based on the “lowest” level of nutrients you need to get by with . . . this is all part of the dumbing-down of America.

The truth is everyone has individual needs that more often than not, exceed the RDA dietary guidelines. Perhaps that’s why so many Americans suffer from degenerative diseases.

Worse than the RDA is the Codex Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG, ratified July 4, 2005, Rome) which treats vitamins and minerals as toxins. The VMG demands that supplements cannot contain higher dosages of vitamins and minerals than what is found in unprocessed foods.

These absurd regulatory guidelines do not factor in that individuals being exposed to environmental or industrial toxins need to increase their nutritional intake.

Basically the purpose of Codex is to degrade the biomass of our soils and the nutritional content of our food. Currently DSHEA is all that protects us from having big biotechnology corporations push their GMO toxins and pro-disease strategies down our throats.

Adopting DSHEA standards keeps Codex guidelines at an advisory status rather than a compulsory regulating body. Adopting legislation modeled after DSHEA keeps us immune from economic World Trade Organization (WTO) sanctions. Other countries that do not embrace such protective models of legislation could be punished for non-compliance. Thereby loosing control over their land and food.

Today these biotechnology corporations thrive under the guise of “life sciences corporations.” Whether Big Pharma, Big Agri or Big Chem, they all cling to the same false premise, that man can manipulate Mother Nature.

Keep in mind that politicians and special interest groups trying to liberalize international trade are presently writing these policies. Money not real science is pulling the strings.

He who controls the food controls the world.

Another unseen threat of these life science institutions is they can not only patent the methods of genetic sequencing, but they also can own the original underlying genetic material itself . . . whether it be plant, animal or human.

Patenting life forms is the new business and Codex Alimentarius is all about it. It is the WTO who is stealing indigenous crops from competing countries and through a form of “biopiracy” patents them, puts them on the marketplace and destroys entire economies.

This type of intellectual property right is only acknowledged from the perspective of Western scientific policy. These acts of biopiracy victimize independent scientists, farmers and indigenous tribesmen and their economies around the planet.

Once these Genetically Manufactured Organisms are released into the environment the results are irreversible.

Recently I’ve noticed a new strategy used to impose these “intellectual properties” into our ecosphere. Rather than sell them, they are giving them away as royalty free licenses.

Understanding, once genetically altered plants cross pollinate, the indigenous plants will slowly vanish from the earth.

A prime example is Monsanto’s (a subsidiary of Phamacia) move to offer royalty free licenses to commercial growers around the world to plant “Golden Rice,” so called because it has a yellow color to it. The yellow tint to this genetically altered rice is due to its high levels of pro-vitamin A (beta carotene).

Beta carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. The immediate problem is many people (in India) have a genetic disposition which makes it impossible for their livers to process the beta carotene into vitamin A.

So there you go, on the outside Monsanto is marketing their genetic rice as if it is a great act of charity, yet in reality it will cause more under-nutrition, plus it threatens to wipe out all indigenous rice world wide.

For your information this rice grain was developed by Professor Ingo Potrykus, a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich and Dr. Peter Beyer, University of Freiburg, Germany, with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation and others.

About seven years ago the inventors announced Greenovation and Zeneca would distribute the genetically altered rice seeds and provide the regulatory, advisory and research expertise to spread “Golden Rice” to the whole world. All this in the name of humanitarian purposes, when really we all know there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Golden Rice has been genetically modified by using genes from a daffodil, a pea, a bacterium and a virus.

As I mentioned before, the WHO supports the fact that under-nutrition is the cause of two thirds of the diseases we see people suffering from globally. So why not simply allow an affordable quality vitamin A rich supplement like cod liver oil to be given to everyone that needs it? I mean really, they spent $100 million just developing Golden Rice . . . that’s a lot of money when Palm oil or cod liver oil would solve the world’s vitamin A deficiency today, rather than someday in the future.

I believe the move to dump this genetic food experiment upon developing countries of the world is nothing more than the “poster child” for these big biotechnological companies which are planning on ultimately controlling all our food, nutrition and medicine.

One more point, as recent studies are now blaming GM corn for killing millions and millions of Monarch caterpillars, what parts of our magnificent biosphere will Golden Rice affect?

I’m only here to help,

Tod Faassé

The Botanical Guru

Genetically Manufactured Foods Attack Your Indigenous Right To Health and Wellness

The definition of biotechnology given by the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development describes it as “the application of scientific and engineering principles to the processing of materials by biological agents.”

Scientists identify genes that represent particular traits and extract those genes from other organisms. Then they make duplicates of these genes and insert them into a different organism. Once inserted into the organism the genetic change cannot be undone or removed from the organism, its offspring or the environment.

This technological process is what we call genetic modification.

Since 1986 scientists have been making herbicide tolerant plants. The first plants were made at the Max Planck Institute in Cologne, Germany.

The first Genetically Modified Organisms sold were tobacco plants and sugar beets. Than in 1994 Big Agri released the patented FlavrSavr® tomato into the American marketplace for consumption.

Ten years ago there were at least 56 genetically modified foods approved for worldwide distribution. These GM foods are also referred to as transgenic foods. Companies like Novartis, AgrEvo, Monsanto, Pioneer, PGS, Zeneca and GenTG . . . approved by the European Union’s systemic “Directive 2001/18/eec” sell products like corn, soy and even rapeseed oil (a bio-toxin).

In 1998 the introduction of transgenic food was very controversial and today the concern has only grown. As mega corporations push for global distribution of genetic modified foods and toxic pharmaceutical products, resistance seems to have no affect. In spite of these weighted concerns hundreds of billions of dollars in Big Agra and Big Pharma profits continue to manipulate the marketplace.

The advertising propaganda these mega corporations are selling is that their products will do a better job than Mother Nature. Their promises are as big and absurd as their bank accounts, claiming to reduce the use of weed killers and pesticides, help solve world hunger and cure medical conditions.

But in fact quite the opposite is happening. Global production of food is decreasing, while pestilence and disease are on the rise. The repercussion of allowing greedy chemical companies to rewrite policy in the end victimizes the environment’s ecology as much as it harms human biology.

Europeans have caught on quicker than Americans have. Since 1998 the people of Europe demanded the EU restrict GM products and provide labeling.

While new US policies are supporting that genetically mutated food sources are absolutely safe, Europeans are in the streets protesting by the millions. More than 70% of Europeans want to stop the advance of these big Chem corporations.

Could this be the end of all organic food sources? If so Big Chem doesn’t seem to mind at all. Truth is, Codex Alimentarius is an attempt to control the worlds food sources . . . this is the same program the Nazi’s designed back in the days of I.G. Auschwitz, the Fatherland of big chemical corporations.

The new world version (Codex Alimentarius) of the FDA sets the standards for the international trade of food, promotes genetically modified foods and resists any attempts to curb, regulate or exterminate them. For years the US government has resisted public pleas to label GM foods and foods containing GM ingredients.

If the only argument to support the broad spectrum take over of GM foods is that it will take years to prove it is harmful. So you had better rise up and take a stand now . . . before it’s too late. Of course GM food won’t outright kill you where you stand, but it may weaken your immune system and contribute to a shorter, less fulfilled life.

Sounds to me like someone doesn’t mind controlling the blooming population a little . . . controlling consumers is all it comes down to. One way or another these corporations will persist in robbing you of your inherent right to live the way Mother Nature designed you to live.

GM foods are part of the problem, not the solution. As unemployment rates soar, hunger increases and sickness spreads, policies written by politicians influenced by special interest groups are denigrating our health, our lands and our freedoms. Even today the cross contamination of indigenous crops may be beyond the point of no return.

Once genetically modified plants start growing, it is impossible to prevent them from cross pollinating with indigenous plants and ultimately contaminating their proteins.

Where are our sustainable permacultures? Where are the millions of little farms that used to employ large healthy communities? Are we going to let Big Agri put us in the same situation Big Oil (OPEC) did?

Each day we are painfully reminded of our dependancy upon nations the US government still considers to be our enemies for our un-renewable energy sources (oil, black gold, dragon’s blood). They have us right where they wanted us, by the wallet. Worst of all, we just sat there and allowed it. History only repeats itself if we refuse to learn from it.

Are we going to stand by like silent lambs as they do the same thing to our foods and medicines? Well, don’t just sit there let’s do something about it!

Do you really want to be part of this experiment? I don’t. Because when it all goes sour, I can only imagine the grand cover-up scheme, as billions of people’s lives hang in the balance.

The new science of epigenetics has proven that foods, lifestyle and even attitude have a tremendous influence on our genes and ultimately our health.

Bottom line is we are NOT separate from our environment. It seems just as we are finally discovering our deeper connections to the healing and nurturing energies that sustain us, we are destroying them.

Who do you support, Big Pharma, Big Agra and Big Chem or the one and only Mother Nature?

Once you decide correctly you will know what to do.

For the rest of you, don’t worry. When your immune system becomes weakened from consuming genetically mutated products, Big Pharma will just insert another vaccine into the GM foods you are eating . . . until next time.

Super weeds are being created from cross contamination, more and more herbicides and pesticides are being dumped into our water and soil . . . the connections between our planet and our cells are being broken. Restoring that connection and nurturing it is our only hope.

There is increasing evidence that a GM food sources may be breaking down our immune systems and causing strange diseases and metabolic dysfunctions.

One of these new diseases now on the rise has been named Morgellon’s disease. The first reported case was in 2001 when a 3 year old boy developed rashes, acutely sensitive sores and mysterious multi-colored fibers that emerged from his skin.

These normally non-living fibers astounded scientists when they continued to grow in laboratory tests, outside the boys body. Further analysis revealed the fibers contain genetic information (DNA) from a fungus and a bacterium, forming a parasitic alien material the body has no defense against.

Interesting note is that both the fungus and bacteria are commonly used in the commercial preparation of modified foods and in cotton.

Imagine these once nonliving fibers growing under your skin, twisting and turning like some alien parasite. Makes you wonder what other genetically modified surprises await the next generation.

You probably haven’t heard much about this disease because most people choose suicide to the unbearable creepy itching and painful lesions. So far there are more than 1200 people who have reported this disease. Here’s the link: http://www.morgellons.org.

Most people are told the symptoms are all in their mind, a type of aberration. The truth is, if the symptoms were publicly announced we may discover there are a lot more cases than we want to admit.

Keep in mind that approximately 80% of all US food contains “unlabeled” GM ingredients. The scary thing is Mother Nature has no mechanism to help our bodies digest the modified materials that our government claims are the same as food.

The ancient Greek philosopher Hypocrites, called the “Father of Modern Medicine” once said, Make food your medicine.” Simply put genetically modified foods are an abomination to your body and to the environment.

While we were sleeping in our beds, big agricultural and biotechnology corporations have taken over our global food chain. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) have already contaminated the entire planet, directly and indirectly affecting all sentient beings.

But don’t only take my word for it, do you own diligence and verify the hidden connections for yourself.

As I mentioned above the new science of epigenetics has revolutionized our entire scientific world view. The old idea of genetic determinism turned out to be an incorrect assumption. Unfortunately there are always those who insist on protecting the past, believing the world is flat when everyone else knows it is pear-shaped.

We have truth on our side.

As you may already know, the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies have congress wrapped around their little fingers. As preposterous as it sounds, they are claiming that only drugs can cure, treat and prevent diseases. When in fact they know this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The only reason for such an outright lie is they want to control a monopoly by eliminating any “natural” competition.

In fact they are very aware that natural remedies have always helped cure, treat and prevent disease since the dawn of time. There power to write policy is now threatening to make it illegal for you to choose your own method of healing, making it necessary for you to have a prescription for the most natural food sources or herbal remedies.

The FDA is denying the truth that more than 90% of all degenerative diseases are caused from under-nutrition. On top of this they fail to recognize that natural sources of nutrition are superior to synthetically manufactured sources.

But soon there may not be any natural sources available because the next generation of GM foods is genetically modified functional foods, also known as nutraceuticals.

I feel it is necessary to discuss this in today’s article because while they are in denial of they body’s natural healing processes and the benefits of natural food nutrients on one hand, on the other hand they are planning to genetically insert synthetic medicines into our food chain.

This contradicts everything they claim to be the truth. If functional foods (nutraceuticals) and herbs didn’t really help the body’s healing processes, as they say, then why are they trying to mimic these very nutrient functions?

The answer is because you can’t patent Mother Nature, unless you adulterate the original organism or process . . .

Natural vitamin C cures scurvy and there is ample evidence that it can help prevent heart disease. So why on one hand is the FDA trying to out law natural vitamin C, but on the other hand wanting to synthesize it and prescribe it? Could it be these big corporations don’t want you to have the right to choose what we put in our own bodies?

Did you know, in Canada, you can go to jail and receive a hefty fine for selling or distributing vitamin C? Ridiculous isn’t it?

This is only a taste of what is to come. We cannot stand by and allow Codex Alimentarius to control Americans . . . and for that matter anyone. This sick policy will do harm to everyone if we allow it.

Genetically Modified Organisms, genetically engineered foods, transgenic products, synthetic vitamins and pharmaceutical propaganda are all part of the same invisible fist. Protect, preserve and practice your right to free speech and contact your local government representatives to keep them accountable.

Educate yourself about the environment and the hidden connections to your body so you can get more involved.

We already have enough food to feed everyone; just some people can’t afford it. Under the current policies the price of food and land is not going to get any cheaper. It is poverty that causes hunger and Big Agri, Big Pharma and Big Chem are NOT the solution . . .they are the problem.

Next week I will talk about the fallacy of “Golden Rice.”

I am only here to help,

Tod Faassé

The Botanical Guru

Biotechnical Eco-Terrorism Revealed

Why do we continue to allow big pharmaceutical, biotechnical and agricultural chemical companies to disrupt our planet’s critical balance?

Big Pharma, Big Chem and Big Agra are the present powers pursuing the destruction of our natural resources and threatening the rights that protect them.

There is rising evidence that Genetically Manufactured (GM) foods are threatening the environment and our health. It seems it is not enough that pharmaceutical companies control our health rights, now these same companies are patenting Genetically Manufactured seeds.

You can’t patent the vitamin C in an orange, but you can synthesize it as ascorbic acid and patent that. You can’t patent nature’s corn, but if you genetically alter it you can patent the adulteration. The sad thing is natural vitamin C is not toxic, but ascorbic acid is . . . the same applies for Genetically Manufactured food.

Apathy is America’s greatest enemy.

When people don’t pay attention they become easily mislead. Many crops like soy, peanuts and corn (Starlink) have been Genetically Manufactured for years and the FDA doesn’t even enforce labeling or safety testing.

Rapeseed oil, or Canola oil, comes from a weed that is toxic to animals and pests. This plant grows abundantly in Canada and is one of their chief export products. This weed contains 2% toxic erucic acid and plastic-like trans-isomers.

A 1997 Canadian study verified the toxic effect of Canola oil depleted vitamin E and increased free-radical membrane damage in animals.

In fact Canola oil is registered as a biochemical pesticide by the EPA, here’s the link: http://www.dldewey.com/columns/epacan.htm

What keeps happening is these big agricultural companies, like Monsanto, keep Genetically Manufacturing plants inserted with altered genes that resist herbicides. Their sales pitch claims the advantage is they can spray Roundup weed killer right on the Genetically Manufactured food source as well as the weeds.

One of the problems with that, besides contaminating the food, is when wild weeds naturally hybridize with the GM plants they become super weeds resistant to powerful herbicides. As you can see this creates a vicious cycle where weed killers become more potent, GM plants are inserted with new patented mutations and further resistance develops . . .

If you think the FDA is protecting you from ingesting dangerous foods, think again. These big agricultural corporations, like their counterpart pharmaceutical corporations are allowed to do their own testing. Independent testing costs more money and the risks of negative reports are too high.

We really need a privately owned and regulated foundation that can act as a third party advocate for all of us. As long as the government controls our land, food and medicine we will be told how to farm, what we can eat and what medicines we must take.

Artificial fertilizers have sterilized our soil, our foods are poisoned by chemicals and synthetic drugs have contaminated our waterways along with our bodies.

If you think it’s bad under the FDA, just wait until Codex Alimentarius, (Latin for “Food Rules,”) takes over.

The most powerful German corporation of the early 20th century was IG Farben, which represented itself as the “Association of Common Interests” among BASF, Bayer, Hoechst and other German Big Pharma and Big Chem companies. Interesting enough IG Farben was the biggest financial contributor to Hitler’s campaign. During Hitler’s reign of terror, IG Farben’s profits sky rocketed during WWII.

IG Farben actually participated in the systematic plundering of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Norway, Holland, Belgium, France and all the others conquered by the Nazi regime.

Fritz ter Meer (1884-1967) was a member of the IG Farben technical committee for almost 20 years. In 1948 he was found guilty of “plundering and enslavement.” In only 3 years after his 7 year prison sentence he became a board member of Bayer and chairman of the board within only one year after that.

In 1962, 15 years after being convicted of the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal, Bayer, BASF and Hoechst established the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Fritz ter Meer was one of the creators of the Codex Alimentarius commission. There are several books on the subject available; one of them titled, “The Crime And Punishment Of I.G. Farben,” which reveals the role IG Auschwitz Industries (the daughter of IG Farben) played in the holocaust.

The architects of Codex Alimentarius planned to control the world’s food supply as well as all International food trade. Imagine when all our food sources are patented and owned by these cartels how easy it will be to control everyone.

In 1994 the World Trade Organization (WTO) accepted Codex Alimentarius as a standard for resolution of food trade disputes.

I will speak more in depth on this topic in the next few months. I first want you to look into it yourself. Codex A. supports US and multi-national interests and blatantly violates consumer health rights.

If these big corporations have there way you won’t even be able to buy a good multi-vitamin without a prescription, which means all natural nutrient sources will be outlawed.

Codex Alimentarius is mandating growth hormones in dairy and food animals. Antibiotics will also be mandated in all food animals. Maybe you’re thinking,”That’s okay I’m a vegetarian.” But even you will be effected in more ways than one . . . the commission is proposing unlimited irradiation of all commercial food components.

This is only the tip of the iceberg. If you are not upset you are simply not paying attention. That is why I am writing this column. Your health, wellness and constitutional rights have become a time-sensitive issue. Every one of us needs to have a personal revolution to translate our efforts into a single purpose and with that purpose represent a light for all people and all generations, past and future.

By now you already know what harms the environment harms your health. By individually addressing the root cause of our ill heath we can also restore our true rights, our inheritance and our environment.

Next week I will talk about how GM foods weaken your immune system.

I am only here to help,

Tod Faassé

The Botanical Guru